Monday, February 23, 2009

Rain Rain, Go Away. Come Back....When It's Convenient For Me!

Woke up this morning to take some pics of some new boxes I want to put up in my ETSY shop and what do I find but typical Oregon weather. (Rain and dark skies) Normally, I would be completely happy but seeing as I was wanting to take my pics this morning and take advantage of natural light, I am somewhat bummed. I don't have the best lighting in my office and I don't have the best camera either. I suppose I will have to what and see what I can do...or wait until tomorrow. Grrr...

Otherwise, I wouldn't mind curling up with my book (Book 7 of the Dresden Files Series) and Clark (our overly needy yet adorably fluffy cat). Oh well...I can at least work at getting the next box set constructed and work on some short stories for submissions. (I write, surprise!)

Until next time...



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