Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Necklace

For my sister's birthday, she asked me to make her a necklace. She told me she wanted a bib style necklace and I had to remind myself what those were. I had an idea in mind and after some short research, I found out that what I had in mind was exactly what she wanted. I didn't realize that bib necklaces were the popular thing nowadays. There are so many designs out there as well. I am particularly fond of the styles using chain and leather or suede. There's something about that combination that really appeals to me. has a nice selection that I perused to get some ideas for my sister's necklace. They have necklaces from many different stores with a variety of styles.

Here is the necklace that I made for my sister:


I think I'll make one similar for my ETSY store soon. I only have one thing left to do with the commission so as soon as that is done, I can focus on items for my store!

That's all for now. Time to get ready to go work with the kids and then a night out on the town to go see Death Note: L, Change the World!



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