Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Almost There!

Good news! My thumb is almost completely healed up! I have more range of motion now and little pain. I should be back to crafting in almost no time at all! (which is great because I feel like I am slowly slipping into insanity >.<) In the mean time, I have been reading some excellent beading and jewelry making books from the library. Here are a couple I highly enjoyed:

If you enjoy making wire jewelry, I highly recommend Wire Style by Denise Peck. There are some simple and refreshing tutorials in her book. The instructions are pretty clear and easy to follow.

I also recommend Elegant Wire Jewelry by Kathy Frey. The projects are simple yet complex and have step by step instructions accompanied by instructional photos which make the instructions easy to follow.

I'm afraid that is all for now. I have a large, fuzzy cat who is begging for my attention as well as a big pile of dishes.



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