Saturday, August 1, 2009

Reacurring Injury and Adventures in Nowhere

So my thumb is at it again. It's been burting the past couple of days and does not feel like the usual muscle soreness from overuse. I have a large hard bump in the joint area (where the thumb connects to the hand) that feels more like bone than an irritated muscle knot. There's now joint popping and massive stiffness if I don't use my thumb which is usually while I'm sleeping. Our theory is possible Osteoarthritis since I fill all the symptoms but we won't know until I get in to see a doc. Unfortunetely, I won't be able to get in and get this all examined, x-rayed, etc until after we come back from the UK so I have to wait.

I'm thinking of getting some glucosamine and chondroitin and seeing if that helps (I hear they are good for joint and cartilage assistance)...along with more first aid waterproof tape. My thumb seems to do better when I tape it up and keep most of it imobilized.

So again, my jewelry projects are delayed however, I will be working on some beaded chokers while on the plane since they do not require a lot of heavy duty hand work. I only hope that we dont' hit a pocket of turbulance while the needle is precariously pointing at one of my fingers!

In other news, I had to go pick up my husband and his buddy at the bail out point in the Mt. Hood State Park area. We were to meet up back on one of the back roads (and I DO mean BACK ROADS) off of E. Lolo Pass Rd which is out at Rhodadendron, Oregon. I managed to find the turn and drove about 30 min without finding the next turn. I couldn't get a cell phone signal out there which meant the boys couldn't either so needless to say, it was REALLY stressful! I kept driving down the road and finally found NFD 1828. I was so excited to see it that I totally missed seeing the boys sitting there at the intersection where there was a little parking pull off. A little ways down the road, I realized that I had turned right instead of left and managed to turn out CRV around in the dinky road only to find another couple coming my way. They pulled up next to me and told me about my husband and his buddy at the intersection. I was so happy to hear that they were close by! Long story short (probably too late), I picked them up, we had lunch at BK in Sandy, Oregon, took his buddy back home and hubby and I went back home to rest. It was great to be back home.

So now that the excitement is over, I must prep for our 2 week excursion to Edinburgh and London! So much to plan, so little time!



Anonymous said...

Hi Beka,

I just want to let you know that one of your names has been picked for our Name Game Vote, so please come by and vote.

Thanks and good luck
Bettina Johnson

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