Monday, August 3, 2009

Jittered Nerves and New Items

Ah yes, the nerves have now started to set in since we are down to 5 days before the big trip! I have never been on an airplane for 10-12 hours before and flying over water doesn't help either. I keep reminding myself that once I get on the plane, I can focus on my beading project, writing, movie watching and the occasional drink and before I know it, I will be in Edinburgh hitting the pub with my hubby and laughing it all away.

I spent a little time in my office upstairs with my taped thumb all immobilized and ready to go and I created a couple pairs of earrings I rather like.

Berry Dagger Earrings

Dark Wine Gypsy Chandelier Earrings

I have them already listed up in my ETSY shop (please see the link on the right side of the page).
I will probably try to get a couple other items done before we leave for our trip but nothing too strenuous until we get this thumb issue under control.

That's all for now!



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