I've really missed you all and appreciate the occasional traffic through my blog and my ETSY store. I can't wait to get back into the full swing of things after all this house buying business is over!
For now, I have a little "How to" on making a simple beaded base for standard 3" metal barrettes in case anyone was interested. The bead pattern has a gunmetal trim with a red inner stripe. I greatly apologize for the bad pictures. My camera has decided to not work as well as it used to and I'm having a harder time getting clear pictures. My husband and I do plan on buying a new camera soon though. :)
*3" silver metal barrette-you can find these in most craft stores or even for sale on ETSY.com
*26 gauge silver metal jewelry wire-I like this because even though it is a little bigger, it holds really well
*Wire cutters
*Needle Nose Pliers
*size 6/0 glass seed beads in one or two different colors
*Your hands!

*First, you will want to cut about 3 feet of 26 gauge silver metal jewelry wire. Next, you will want to fold it in half and thread one side through one of the ends of the barrette. Make sure that the wire is resting as far back as you can go. This will help eliminate unevenness.

*Then, you will need to thread on two seed beads on each end like in the picture. This will create a solid line band of that color.

*Now, take the right wire end and thread it through the beads on the left side. Do the same with the left wire. You should end up with each end sticking out the opposite side like in the picture.

*Pull the wire through all the way to secure the beads to the barrette. Congratulations! You have just made your first line!

*Next, you will want to take each wire and thread them through the under part of the barrette so the ends come out the opposite sides.

*For the next line, you will need to add a different color to get that middle stripe. You will need to thread one seed bead of the base color on each side and then one seed bead of a different color (in my case, red) on each side.

*Like before, thread the right wire end through the beads on the left side. Do the same with the left wire.

*Now, pull to secure.

*Thread the wires underneath the barrette again like before and repeat the last 2 steps until you have 14 rows with the color center stripe. The 15th row should be another solid stripe of the base color so instead of threading on one of each color, just thread on two of the same color on each wire. When finished, thread the ends through one or two of the criss-crossed wires underneath and tuck in with a pair of needle nose pliers. Now, these barrettes are ready to be embellished with larger bead flowers, feathers, ribbon, etc.
Any questions? Let me know! I'm happy to help.
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