Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Thank You Matchbook Notebooks On Their Way!

I have a new design that is just about finished but due to an injured thumb, they will take me a little longer than usual to complete them. They are so cute though and very spring/summery!


These will be great to say 'thank you' to friends/family at a party or to your loyal customers! They're also just a sweet way to say 'thank you' to anyone in general. There will be 10 white pages inside each book for notes or a personalized message.

I cannot wait to get them done. They are so adorable!

In other news, I just found out that my husband and I will be going to Edinburgh for about a week and a half which means I will need to close my ETSY shop for the duration of the trip. We leave August 7th and won't get back until about the 17th. I'll be putting up a notice in a week on the shop notice board to make sure everyone is informed. Aparently, we are going during the time they have a very large festival going on so I'm excited to research that. It's going to be a great trip. Neither one of us has been to Europe so this will be a great learning experience!



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