So I started another necklace last night and finished it this morning. When I began, I had no idea what it was going to be but I think it turned out pretty well. I started with a wire frame I picked up and started wrapping black copper filled wire and ended up with the first picture above on the left. I decided it needed some color and a little something else and added some nice lime green glass beads from Blue Moon that I got on sale at Michael's and a little silver dragonfly charm in the center which is also from Blue Moon. (I love that company) I couldn't decide what to put it on: a beaded necklace or chain and the chain won out. It looked too cluttered on a beaded necklace to me. I finished it up with a silver 'S' clasp with a little charm so the clasp wouldn't come undone. It's a fun necklace to make and I'm already planning out my next picture frame necklace but this one will be a long rectangle. Not sure what I want to put in the center but I'm sure I'll come up with something.
So I started working with my new roll of silver 24 gauge wire for a special project but the wire was crap. It left a black residue and broke off. I couldn't work with it at all. I went back to the store to take it back and they didn't carry that wire in a different company. I braved the start of rush hour traffic and went to another store to find that they were COMPLETELY out of the wire I needed. I settled for a 26 gauge and I'm hoping it will work. Kind of flying blind here so we shall see if it works or not.
That's all for now!
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