Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dying Pearls

Did you know you can dye your own pearls yourself? You can!

I found this article online about dying pearls today: How To Dye Pearls

Apparently, you can use either store bought dyes or household items to dye your pearls (real or fake). They say it's like dying your shoes to match your purse or dress. I never knew you could make a dye out of boiled golden delicious apple peels! I haven't tried this myself but I just may after we move and get settled.

Here is a table listed on the site linked above of the natural items you can make dyes from. It's rather interesting to see what all you can use!

Lavender Small Quantity of Purple Grape Juice
Violet Blossoms plus 2 tsp Lemon Juice
Violet Blue Violet Blossoms
Red Onions Skins (boiled)
Blue Canned Blueberries
Red Cabbage Leaves (boiled)
Purple Grape Juice
Green Spinach Leaves (boiled)
Liquid Chlorophyll
Greenish Yellow Golden Delicious Apple Peels (boiled)
Yellow Orange or Lemon Peels (boiled)
Carrot Tops (boiled)
Celery Seed (boiled)
Ground Cumin (boiled)
Ground Turmeric (boiled)
Brown Strong Coffee
Instant Coffee
Black Walnut Shells (boiled)
Orange Yellow Onion Skins (boiled)
Pink Beets
Cranberries or Juice
Red Grape Juice
Juice from Pickled Beets
Red Lots of Red Onion Skins (boiled)

Check out the site for a list of instructions on how to create and administer the home made dyes.


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