Monday, February 2, 2009

New Jewelry Set

I haven't had much time to get some work done for the business since we have been redoing our banister but here is a set I completed with their gift boxes. I don't know what to name it but since there is a definite icy feel with these pieces, I think I will stay in that area of words and names. They were fun to make and really sparkle. I love those smokey bicones!

The necklace is a 2-strand threaded on tiger tail wire. It has icy mini tube beads with silver flecked orbs, silver spacers and those smokey bicones with an 'S' clasp. The bracelet has the same beads but it's threaded on memory wire and the earrings have those smokey bicones and a couple silver flecked orbs on silver wire frames. The earrings have rhodium hooks which I have found to be wearable by people with nickle allergies like myself.

The gift boxes have been handmade by myself as well with a little label that has the name of my shop on it.

That's all for now. I need to catch up on sleep.



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