And change did happen today. I lost a good teacher today due to some 'rearranging' of staff with our organization. It has me very disappointed in the organization and I can feel the heavy haze of depression set in by that and the fact that my husband is leaving for a business trip tomorrow morning and won't be back till Saturday night. Its times like these that I turn to either my art desk or my writing materials...
I chose my art desk.
I've been working on some gift boxes/party favor boxes for my ETSY shop. The first set is done and feature blues and greens and the second set are fun polka dots. The polka dot ones aren't done yet but I hope to finish them tomorrow since I will have some extra time on my hands and some loneliness to fill while my husband is gone. I plan to get a bunch of work done and then post a bunch of new items. More advertising will follow soon after that.
I ordered some more antique brass supplies for some new jewelry pieces I want to do. Speaking of new pieces, I was playing Guild Wars with a friend of mine and he suggested that I should try to make a headpieces like my ranger's. I'm up for the challenge of playing with leather, wire, metal, chain, and beads. Bring it on...bring it on I say. I need more tangible therapy.
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