There really isn't! Too bad I have to sleep...there's 8 hours there that I could add to my working time here in my office at home. >.< I haven't gotten very far with my crafts and jewelry because we have been working on the banister. We basically ripped it all out and replaced every single piece of wood because the yahoos that lived in the house before us decided that it would be really awesome of them to paint over the natural wood with a yucky brown color...go figure. It looks great now but I tell you, I'll be happy when we move and don't' have these house projects to do.
That picture up there is about as far as I've gotten with this next necklace I'm working on. I think between taking that picture and making this post, I've created a couple little charms to go with that but I just haven't had the time to finish it. I can't wait for the days that I can come home and just craft or make jewelry for 2-3 hours and then for many hours on the weekend and not have to worry about fixing the house.
My co-worker and friend at my job with the kids is so great. She came up with this idea to make T-shirts to advertise my little ETSY shop. "I'll even wear one!" She said to me yesterday. We shared a good laugh but she has a good idea, I can't deny that. If I only had the money though... She asked if I would be willing to make some extra pieces that she could wear around and "advertise". I told her that yeah, I would like to do that but would need time to make some. So we shall see what transpires.
That's all for now, it's time to get to work!
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